Regional Agricultural Research Center of Meknes : The scientific expertise serving regional agricultural development

The Regional Center for Agricultural Research in Meknes head office
The Regional Center for Agricultural Research in Meknes head office

The Regional Agricultural Research Center of Meknes is an institution with deep historical positioning that develops an up-to-date research strategy for the production of technologies, knowledge and methods. The research center accompanies the implementation of regional agricultural plans designed in the frame of the Green Morocco Plan in close partenership with the development stakeholders and the professionnal organizations.

A research mission focused on agricultural development

  • Enhacing knowledge of the natural and socio-economic environment and development of high-performance technologies to meet the needs of agriculture in our action zone (production of plant material, knowledge and methods).
  • Communication of the results of agricultural research targeting sub-humid, semi-arid and mountain environments.

Medium term research orientations with a commitment to adress the key problems of agricultural development

  • The 2021-24 research megaprojects domiciled at CRRA Meknes:– Improving the sustainability and competitiveness of fruit and vine production (Coord. Dr R. Razouk – URAPV).- Improvement of national cereal production in the context of climate change (Coord. Dr M. Ferrahi – URAPCRG).- Improving the productivity, quality and adaptation of oilseed crops and technological enhancement of Moroccan varieties (Coord. Dr A. Nabloussi – URAPCRG).
  • The 2021-24 Megaprojects involving researchers from CRRA Meknes:– Improving productivity and enhancing the value of food legumes for better sustainable agricultural development.- Improving the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of Moroccan olive in the context of climate change.- Improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of the market gardening sector.Development of agroecological practices for resilient agricultural systems in semi-arid zones.- Decision support tools for planning management.

    – Diffusion and transfer of innovations.

Multidisciplinary scientific and technical staff :

  • 23 Researchers specialized in various disciplines of agricultural sciences and humanities (breeding, phytiatry, biotechnology, agronomy, plant physiology, horticulture, agro-meteorology, soil science, soil chemistry, agricultural economics, sociology and communication);
  • 16 Research Technicians;
  • 23 PhD students.
  • 1 administrative officer;
  • 30 support agent.

An area of action with agricultural vocation

Area of action of the Center
Area of action of the Center

area of action

Total area: 7.3 million ha (9.8% of the national area).
Economy based on diversified agriculture enhanced by a large agribusiness.

Region of high agricultural potential :

  • Great potential in natural resources : soil, climate and water resources.
  • Diversity of cropping systems.
  • Food industry developed.
  • The Agropole of Meknes : a platform for research-development and promotion of agribusiness projects.

High quality services :

  • Studies and Research.
  • Design and implementation of agricultural development projects.
  • Analysis of soil, water, plant and diagnosis of the sanitary condition of the crops.
  • Training sessions, development and technology transfer.
  • Development of extension materials (technical guides, interactive CD, projection media…).
  • Supervision of graduate and post graduate students.
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